What is Kingdom Collaboration

With the collapse of Christendom, it is more important than ever for the church in North America to develop a Kingdom perspective. To experience Gospel transformation we must learn to collaborate with others in our cities. But what does it mean to collaborate?

Place Matters

American life-styles, for all the material acquisition and the seeking after comforts and pleasures, are plagued by boredom, loneliness, alienation, and a high price tag.

The Importance of Rethinking Paradigms

Most efforts at change in the church fail to deal with the very assumptions on which Christendom is built and maintains itself. The change of thinking needed in our day as far as the church and its mission are concerned must be radical indeed; that is, it must go to the roots of the problem.

Church Renewal and the Missio Dei

God’s church doesn’t have a mission in your city; instead God’s mission in your city has a church — your particular, local church. He is calling your church to bring the good news of the Gospel of the kingdom to a world where bad news is depressingly infectious.

9 Personal Leadership Lessons

I have thought about the activities and practices that have shaped me the most over the past three decades. These lessons are simply descriptive of my own journey. While some of them may not fit who you are, I wish someone had shared each of these with me many years ago.

Begin With Missionary Activity

In the North American, post-Christian context in which we now live, we can’t plant churches by simply starting a Sunday morning worship gathering. There may have been a day when we could build a cool website, rent a meeting space, send out flyers, put up banners and “launch” a church by starting a Sunday service. But those days are gone, at least in many North American contexts.

The Importance of Understanding Post-Christendom

Many in the church today still believe that Christianity is in a place of influence and significance. Many still operate under the false assumption that Christendom is alive and well. While there may be some parts of the country that still cling to Christian values, the vast majority of the population is rapidly moving away from the things associated with the church.