The difficulty the church is experiencing today in relating to the current culture is in large part due to our Christendom heritage. Many in the church today still believe Christianity is in a place of influence and significance.
All in Church
The difficulty the church is experiencing today in relating to the current culture is in large part due to our Christendom heritage. Many in the church today still believe Christianity is in a place of influence and significance.
If evangelicalism is to regain its credibility, it must expand its gospel beyond individual salvation. The gospel of the Kingdom is far more compelling, transformative, and biblical than the shrunk-down gospel of “pray this prayer and get to heaven.”
The single greatest challenge for Covocational leaders is time. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. When a church leader is working 30, 40, or even 50 hours a week in the marketplace, it is difficult to create and maintain proper rhythms between family, vocation, ministry, and health.
To plant disciple-making, missional churches, we must change the way we think about God’s mission and the nature of the church. Rethink explores 12 missiological principles to help you rethink church multiplication.
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and re-learn. ~ Alvin Tofler
In this episode, Dhati Lewis and Brad Brisco, the director of bivocational church planting for the North American Mission Board, discuss four things every pastor and church planter should be thinking about today, before COVID-19 subsides.
I think it is important to pause and reflect on the benefits of bivo/covo planting in the current "social distancing" climate we find ourselves in.